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AUD Library Welcomes Dunecrest American School IB Students for Research Enrichment Session

On February 2nd, 2024, thirteen IB students from Dunecrest American School, accompanied by two teachers, visited AUD Library to participate in an information literacy skills session led by Ms. Randa Al Chidiac, Library Director. During the ninety-minute session, Ms. Al Chidiac introduced essential research skills and showcased the library's diverse array of resources, both print and digital. Following the presentation, the group embarked on a guided tour of the library, acquainting themselves with its various services. Subsequently, students were given the opportunity to refine their skills and explore the library's print and digital collections with assistance from library staff. Before departing, the group expressed their gratitude, and the Library Director emphasized that their journey of exploration does not conclude there—they are encouraged to reach out to the library for further assistance at any time.